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2001 - 2002

The Beta Sigma Chapter of

Pi Kappa Alpha

Carnegie Mellon University

1079 Morewood Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

Chapter History Report

None available.


PiKA rolls to a big 1st Place finish with 2:09.19. This is our 6th first place finish in the past 9 years. Our primo Women's A-Team with Lauren Schmidt, Katie Marcoux, Liz Pino, Danyelle Shalian, and Adrienne Mathes rolled Zeus driven by Lisa Brown to all time course record Women's time of 2:30.58! Saturday's races were cancelled due to weather making Friday's times final. PiKA takes 1st Place in both Men's and Women's competitions for 2002!

Results: Men's 1st Place and 6th Place, Women's 1st Place and 8th Place

Course Record: SPIRIT 2:06.2 (set in 1988, 14 years ago)

PiKA House Record: 2:06.71 (set in 2000, 2 years ago)

Chairman: Mike Stow / Joe Leopold




Hill 1 - Steve Joiner

Hill 2 - Chad Harper

Hill 3 - Danny Orihuela

Hill 4 - Tom Matteo

Hill 5 - Evan Rinkoff

Driver - Nora Tewksbury




Hill 1 - Will Bennet

Hill 2 - Andy Jackson

Hill 3 - Rob Ready

Hill 4 - Dean Hosgood

Hill 5 - James Wolfe

Driver - Lisa Brown




Hill 1 - Jason Nickell

Hill 2 - Adam Greenbaum

Hill 3 - Eugene Kim

Hill 4 - Kirk Larson

Hill 5 - Jonah Cohen

Driver - Linda Liao

Women's A-Team



(Women's Record)

Hill 1 - Lauren Schmidt

Hill 2 - Katie Marcoux

Hill 3 - Liz Pino

Hill 4 - Danyelle Shalian

Hill 5 - Adrienne Mathes

Driver - Lisa Brown

Women's B-Team



Hill 1 - Audra Pompiani

Hill 2 - Marcia Valencia

Hill 3 - Laura Feldman

Hill 4 - Shaun Wood

Hill 5 - Kimmie Loux

Driver - Linda Liao


Roll No. 1252

Mr. Charles Lu Hamilton (Charlie)

Initiated: November 25, 2001

Positions/Offices: Furnishings, Waiting Steward, Risk Manager

Buggy: FOAD

Big Brother: Michael Stow

Little Brothers: Dennis Pegher, Hiram Vazquez, James Kim

Roll No. 1253

Mr. Ophir Tanz

Initiated: November 25, 2001

Big Brother: Tim Schneider

Roll No. 1254

Mr. Kim Kwang

Initiated: November 25, 2001

Big Brother: Jef Leon

Roll No. 1255

Mr. Jeff Knupp

Initiated: November 25, 2001

Positions/Offices: IMC, Pledge Educator, Risk Manager, Steward, Community Service Chairman

Big Brother: Steve Protulipac

Little Brother: Burdell Schwartz

Roll No. 1256

Mr. James T. Wolfe

Initiated: November 25, 2001

Buggy: C-Team Hill 4, B-Team Hill 5, B-Team Hill 4, PTC

Big Brother: Dean Hosgood

Little Brothers: Jose Correa, Austin Stankus

Roll No. 1257

Mr. Robert Hoffman

Initiated: November 25, 2001

Big Brother: Omari Teel

Roll No. 1258

Mr. Craig Radulovich

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: ThC

Big Brother: Greg Riches

Varsity Golf (Lettered 2003)

Roll No. 1259

Mr. Charles Stewart (Bart)

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: Waiting Steward, Pledge Educator

IFC Rep; IFC Secretary

Big Brother: Eugene Kim

Roll No. 1260

Mr. Evan English

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: House Manager, Risk Manager, IMC

Buggy: Flagger, Foad, Chairman

Big Brother: Jeremy Henriksen

Little Brother: Russell Savage

Roll No. 1261

Mr. Jeremy Stone (Stoner)

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: Social, Ritual, Alumni Relations, Scholarship, Assistant ThC, Pledge Educator

Buggy: PTC

Varsity Golf (Lettered 2002, 2003)

Big Brother: Dean Hosgood

Little Brothers: Brian Morelli, Flynn Jones, Bruce Burnett, Neal Johnston

Roll No. 1262

Mr. Lee Berkowitz

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: Community Service, Ritual

Big Brother: Kyle Kirby

Little Brothers: Anthony Scolieri, Mayur Parepally, Hussein Al Baya

Roll No. 1263

Mr. Nigel Sussman

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Roll No. 1264

Mr. Nathan W. Curtis (Nate)

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: Furnishings, Rush Chairman

Buggy: Flagger, Foad, Co-Chairman

Greek Sing, Fire Truck

Big Brother: Andrew Gilman

Little Brothers: Benaldo Hernandez, Joe Kim

Roll No. 1265

Mr. Randall Weinsten (Randy)

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: SMC, Social, Alumni Relations, IMC, Rush Chairman

Buggy: Foad

Greek Council

Big Brother: Joe Leopold

Little Brothers: Michael Halmo, Adam Haag

Legacy (Uncle): Mark Weinsten

Roll No. 1266

Mr. Thomas Matteo (Tommy)

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: Houseman, SC

Buggy: A-Team Hill 4

Fire Truck

Big Brother: Luke Woolley

Little Brother: Cory Stawartz

Roll No. 1267

Mr. William Tilburg

Initiated: March 2, 2002

Positions/Offices: Social Chairman (2), Waiting Steward, Ordering Steward

Greek Peer Advisor; Greek Council Representative; CMU Club Basketball Team

Big Brother: Kirk Larsen